Please select your topic

Financial crimes →
Financial crimes include criminal acts and misdemeanours that lead to financial losses for the company, a third party or the public authorities. For example:
  • Property crimes to the detriment of the company, such as theft or embezzlement of company property, retention of company funds or work materials, personal enrichment
  • Tax evasion, i.e. when tax-relevant income or assets are declared to the tax authorities incompletely, incorrectly or not at all
  • Money laundering, i.e. activities in which criminally generated proceeds are channelled into and through the financial cycle
  • Manipulation of business documents/balance sheets, i.e. if applicable accounting regulations and the principles of proper accounting are violated (examples: falsification of invoices, credit notes, financial statements, or audit trails)
Violations of food law →
Food law serves to protect consumers from health hazards caused by food and to ensure the quality and marketability of food. For example: 
  • Violations of hygiene regulations, such as the unhygienic storage of food, the use of unauthorised cleaning agents and disinfectants or the contamination of food by pests
  • Violations of labelling regulations, such as the incorrect declaration of ingredients, the use of misleading names or the omission of allergens
  • Violations of marketability regulations, such as the sale of expired food, the use of spoilt food or the sale of food contaminated with harmful substances
  • Misleading consumers about the origin, quality or characteristics of food
Environmental protection →
Environmental protection includes any environmental crime and environmental damage. For example: 
  • Illegal disposal of waste
  • Improper handling of pollutants
  • Water, soil, or air pollution
Privacy →
Involves breaches of data protection laws and regulations on the protection of personal data. This would include, in particular, cases involving large quantities of data or particularly sensitive data. Examples: 
  • the unlawful disclosure of business and trade secrets
  • the misuse of data
  • the insufficient access protection to sensitive data
Conflicts of interest →
In a conflict of interest, a person/company is entangled in multiple interests that may corrupt that person's/company's motivation or decision making, resulting in harm to the company.
Violations of principles of conduct in the workplace as well as human rights violations →
These include violations of labour conditions as well as human rights violations. For example: 
  • Discrimination
  • Bullying
  • Unequal treatment
  • Harassment
  • Working time violations
Other violations within the meaning of the Whistleblower Protection Act →
This includes all other offences listed in Section 2 of the German Whistleblower Protection Act ( or where you are unsure which of the aforementioned categories your concern belongs to. Selecting the correct category will speed up processing; however, it is not a prerequisite for your report to be processed.